Argentine Tango classes and events in the south-east

with Graham and Nathalie

Diary of Everything

All our forthcoming classes, demos, and X/Tango neolongas. You can view our entire planned diary at once or filter by venue or event type. Select from the menus below and click 'search':

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How to subscribe to this Calendar

Subscribe to our calendar

You can subscribe to the calendar for the above classes and events to add them directly into your diary. If you want to include only events for a specific venue or only events of a specific type (e.g. X/Tango) then return to the top of the page, select the options there, and click 'Search' before subscribing.

Copy the following link into your calendar subscription feed:

Instructions for different calendaring applications will vary, but you need to add that link as a 'Subscription Calendar' or similar for it to work. Consult the documentation (or Google) for how to add subscription calendars.


  • This is an experimental feature and may change, however if you add this as a calendar subscription as suggested you can simply deactivate or remove that calendar if you no longer want to see it.
  • Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this list is the most up-to-date source of information about forthcoming events, last minute changes beyond our control can occur.

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