These videos are not intended to form a complete "how to" of the whole of tango, but they should introduce you to sufficient techniques to enable you to learn faster and understand a bit better what it is that your tango teacher is trying to tell you. You can watch them in any order you like, but some of the earlier videos introduce concepts and techniques that are not fully explained in the later videos, so you may find it more useful if you start at the beginning and work forwards.
Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in these videos.
01 - The Balanceo
3rd Aug 2021
The Balanceo is the first and most basic part of tango. It gives the leader and follower time to establish the connection, to settle into the embrace, and to ensure that they are starting on the same axis. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
02 - The Basic Cross
3rd Aug 2021
The Basic Cross is a fundamental of tango, and is recognisable as being something you usually only see in this dance. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
03 - The Backward Ocho
3rd Aug 2021
Ochos, whether backwards or forwards, are fundamental building blocks of any tango dance. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
04 - The Forward Ocho
3rd Aug 2021
Ochos, whether backwards or forwards, are fundamental building blocks of any tango dance. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
05 - The Giro
3rd Aug 2021
A giro (pronounced as 'hero') is any turn where the follower moves around the leader (as opposed to the leader going around the follower). There are many types of giros, and many step sequences by which they can be accomplished, but this sequence is one of the earliest that most people learn. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
06 - A Basic Sacada
3rd Aug 2021
A sacada is where one partner "takes away space" from the other partner, by stepping into the position occupied by one of their legs. This causes a displacement, and as well as looking creative it can increase rotation in turns or aid in positioning. This is a basic sacada where the leader takes away space from the follower. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
07 - Technique: Walking and Stepping
3rd Aug 2021
This technique interlude looks at the important aspects of walking and stepping in tango. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
08 - The Cross Turn
3rd Aug 2021
This combination of a basic cross and a left pivot is a neat way to turn your partner at the corners of the dance floor without breaking rhythm. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
09 - A Basic Calesita
3rd Aug 2021
A calesita is a turn where the leader moves around the follower (see 'giro' in video 05). Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
10 - The Sandwich
3rd Aug 2021
Not an interlude on Argentine food, but a move where the leader 'sandwiches' the follower's foot between theirs. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
11 - The Calesita with Follower Embellishment
3rd Aug 2021
This expands on the calesita we covered in video 09 and adds a follower embellishment to make it a bit more creative and expressive. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
12 - The Rebotte
3rd Aug 2021
A rebotte or 'rebound' is when the leader leads the follower into a step, but then bounces back before the step is fully complete. Useful for changing direction or aborting a step if another dancer (or the dog) moves into the way. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
13 - Technique: Using Height
3rd Aug 2021
Another technique interlude, this time on adding the third dimension into your dancing. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
14 - The Planeo in an Ocho
3rd Aug 2021
A planeo is a wide sweeping move done during a turn. This video shows you how to add one in an ocho. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
15 - Calesita with a Projection and Pivot
3rd Aug 2021
Another variation on the calesita, this time with a more dramatic follower embellishment, and a change of orientation halfway through. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
16 - Technique: Dissociation and Connection
3rd Aug 2021
A technique interlude about one of the most fundamental aspects of tango... dissociation and connection. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
17 - A Side Barrida
3rd Aug 2021
A barrida or 'sweep' is where one partner's foot appears to push the other partner's foot into position. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
18 - Calesita Volcada
3rd Aug 2021
A volcada is a move where the follower actually has to lean on the leader for support as she is off-axis. This volcada is merged with the calesita we looked at in video 09. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
19 - Follower Sacada from Side Step
3rd Aug 2021
A sacada is where one partner steps into the space already occupied by the other partner's leg, displacing it out of the way. In this sacada the follower steps into the space occupied by the leader's leg. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
20 - A Linear Back Cross
3rd Aug 2021
We looked at the basic cross in video 02, but this version is where the follower's leg crosses behind her other leg, not in front of it. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
21 - A Barrida in a Giro
3rd Aug 2021
A barrida (first introduced in video 17) is where one partner's foot appears to push the other partner's foot into position. This version is done as part of a giro (see video 05). Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
22 - A Step Over and Hook
3rd Aug 2021
A basic form of a gancho (the hook) where the follower hooks her leg around the leader's leg. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
23 - A Basic Gancho from Fwd Ocho
3rd Aug 2021
A gancho or "hook" can be introduced in many places, but this one comes from a forward ocho (see video 04). Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
24 - Unwrap from Side Step
3rd Aug 2021
Wraps, unwraps, and ganchos all share one thing in common... one partner's leg is wrapped around the other partner's leg at some point in the process. This wrap - or unwrap - is created from a side step. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.
25 - A Gancho from Back Ocho
3rd Aug 2021
The first gancho we looked at was from a forward ocho (see video 23) whereas this one is from a backward ocho. Please ensure you have reviewed our Terms and Conditions at before attempting any of the moves or techniques shown in this video.