The Tangosynthesis Blog

with Graham and Nathalie

Subscribe to our Diary

25 Oct 2024 - by Graham

This week’s blog post is about a feature on our website that you may not have noticed. Did you know you can subscribe to our calendar and have events or classes appear directly in your phone or computer diary as soon as we publish them? No? Well…

Although everything is already published on the Diary of Everything page on our website, people regularly ask us to add all our X/Tango events, workshops, classes, and anything else we do as “Events” on Facebook so it is easy to add these to their calendar. That is certainly one way to broadcast it, but there are problems:

  • It is a lot of work to add everything into Facebook as well as on our own diary as there is no way to cut/paste between the two.
  • Even if we did do that, we would be at the mercy of the Facebook algorithm as to whether it bothers to show the events to anyone.
  • Not everyone has Facebook.

So instead of that, we have added a calendar subscription option to our diary page. This uses an industry standard method of publishing calendars so it should be compatible with any reasonably recent device. You can choose to only see events from a specific venue or a specific event type, so if you only want to have X/Tango events in your diary then that is easy to achieve.

How to Subscribe

  1. Go to the Diary of Everything page on our website.
  2. Use the filter options to show the events you are interested in and click “Search”.
  3. Click the “How to subscribe to our Calendar” link which takes you to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click the “Copy Link” button to copy the calendar subscription feed link.
  5. Go to your calendar application and choose “Add Subscription Calendar” (or similar).
  6. Paste the copied link into the Calendar URL field.
  7. Add any personalised names, colours, or refresh frequency supported by your system to help you recognise the events and click “Subscribe”, “Add”, or whatever your application labels the button.

The events you have chosen will now automatically appear in your diary as we add them.

And that is all there is to it! We hope it is useful.

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All Articles

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