The Tangosynthesis Blog

with Graham and Nathalie

Social Dancing... not Social D[ist]ancing

19 Jan 2022 - by Graham

If there is one thing that we have learned over the last couple of years it is that we are remarkably bad at predicting the future. Towards the end of 2019 I invested a large amount of money into sound and lighting equipment for all the festivals and events that I had planned in the "amazing year of 2020" that was just around the corner. Our event calendar had never been so full, and whether you were looking at our schedule as The Tango Underground or the Lacuna Works the year of 2020 looked as though it was going to be something really special.

Well, it was something all right, but not quite what any of us had expected. Regardless of whether it turns out that the bigger damage to life and society came from the virus or from the way we tried to mitigate it (I know where my money lies on that one), the year of 2020... and to a lesser degree the year of 2021... is a chunk of time that we would do well to try to forget, and so we really need to start looking forward to whatever we can make of 2022 and beyond. There are many things that we need to try to fix. We are more divided than we have ever been in living memory; people are scared to go out and face 'risks' that we used to comfortably ignore every day; and we see our 'government' as a joke, whatever side of the political spectrum we are on. The Tango Underground is only a dance club so much of this is somewhat beyond our ability to address, but we can help with one absolutely critical part of the healing process...

Because if you take the [ist] out of Social Distancing, you get... Social Dancing!

We have been absolutely delighted to see how many of you have been coming to the classes over the last few weeks. Both our venues have been buzzing, and we have seen a good influx of new members in Sevenoaks since the start of the year. This is exactly what all of us really need right now, as dance - and tango in particular - is a fantastic way to step out of all the stress and tension of life for a while.

So welcome to 2022, and all the dance it might bring us. Because we all deserve it.

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